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What to Expect Part 3

In this third installment of What to Expect, I want to talk about how a majority of your prenatal appointments will go moving forward in your pregnancy.

At 28 weeks, I am happy to announce that all ultrasounds will now be done ON your belly. Doctors appointments have been dialed down to about 15-20 minutes and blood tests are few and far between. The constant all around is the having to pee in a cup and getting blood pressure checks.

We’ve had to sign up for our birthing, breastfeeding and newborn care classes and we also scheduled our hospital tour. Most of these classes will happen next month, but we wanted to make sure to get registered well ahead of time.

The most exciting part of my second trimester was the anatomy scan! This 1-hour scan happens at 19-weeks and the tech scans for all the important organs in your baby: brain, kidneys, lungs, spine, heart, liver, etc. It was so cool to see our little one moving around! I actually had to go back the next day to finish my scan because the baby was moving around too much!

At this scan you can also find out the gender of your baby. Drum roll please…

We’re having a girl!

I obviously have known for the last 11 weeks that we’re having a girl, but I’ve just been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to tell my readers! Buying clothes has gone a little crazy and we’re now gearing up for all that’s to come.

I think this might be the end of my What to Expect series for a while. I probably won’t go into all the detail about labor and delivery until well after baby girl is here!


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